Online Strength Training

maximize your potential

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GET THE                    AND                             YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR STRENGTH TRAINING TO THE NEXT LEVEL

Get the                   and                         you need to take your strength training to the next level



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athletic performance



Customized strength training workouts

No Cookie-cutter program or gimmicks 

Weekly Checkins

Don’t worry we will be there every step of the way monitoring your progress

Comprehensive Needs Analysis

Each program is designed based on a comprehensive needs analysis to determine the most effective strategy for you

Learn the How & the Why 

Prior to starting your individualized program you will be given access to learn about the foundations of our methods which will support you during this online program

Get results driven by Science

We know what works because we are experts that listen to and study the science behind strength training

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Whether you’re brand new to strength training, or an elite athlete, our programs are customized to each and every one of you.

If you’re looking to maximize your potential: build muscle, lose fat, increase strength, improve athletic performance, or just plain get in shape then this program IS FOR YOU. No cookie-cutter programs, no gimmicks. Prior to starting your individualized program, you will also have access to an overview so you’re able to learn the how and why behind our methods. Get results driven by science and learn about the process along the way. 

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Everyone is raving about APM

The Reviews

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Her intelligence regarding human movement and performance is unmatched to any other coach I’ve come across because of her vast experience in rehabilitation and high level athletics…

Coach Rhi not only understands that, but goes to great lengths to identify my optimal work capacity and the recovery protocols necessary to keep me in the gym, getting stronger. Most importantly, her attention and knowledge has kept me injury-free for over two years, while competing at the national level….

Last time I was training with Rhi, I came to the realization she had single handedly saved my lifting career, as well as changed the lives of my personal clients after my training philosophy adapted…

I’d say the biggest difference in her training was the intent behind each workout. It was not to crush me; but to reshape how I moved, produce force, and improve how I felt….

Rhiannon was my personal trainer for 3 years in New York City. It’s hard to know where to begin with her accolades, as they are countless. Rhiannon is extremely knowledgeable in the realm of human anatomy and personal training. She understands how to apply science and programming to the individual, and her client’s personal goals…

Atlas Performance Methods was founded on the principles of scientific evidence, exploration, and practical experience in the fields of sports medicine and strength and conditioning. Through my years of experience as an Olympic weightlifting athlete, healthcare professional, and student, I saw a discrepancy between the information delivered to each audience. I decided to use the education and evidence I’ve obtained to bring the best possible package to the table: a platform where anyone can advance their knowledge of human movement, improve their functional capacity and athletic performance, dial in their nutrition, and prevent injury all in one common place. 

Meet Rhiannon...

Train with me



How does it work

Before buying this program make sure that you have access to a gym, a barbell, free weights, or various types of exercise equipment

Once you sign up for this online program you will be sent the comprehensive needs analysis that you will be promoted to complete before receiving your customized trainings. Once the analysis is completed our team will develop an individualized strength training program that will put you on track to reach your goals. Over the next month we will checkin with you weekly and monitor your progress by making any adjustments to your specific trainings.

This is a monthly membership and may be canceled at anytime.

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